
Florida is underlain by limestone used for aggregates, cement, and chemical applications, as well as, heavy minerals, high-quality silica sand, peat, titanium, attapulgite clay, and phosphate. The state consumes some 165 million tons of aggregates for roads and construction annually, some 150 million tons which are produced from Florida mines. Florida claims some 20% of the world’s phosphate reserves in the south-central Bone Valley region of the peninsula and North Florida Phosphate Area in Hamilton County near the Florida-Georgia line.

visiting a mine
loading trains at a mine

LHC brings diverse experiences to mineral projects. Our team identified economic options for inactive limestone mines; tracked blasting operations for compliance with Florida vibration regulations; conducted exploratory drilling to identify market, transportation, and regulatory options for specific sand-producing sites, and conducted research to evaluate statewide supply and transportation options for strategic aggregates. Separately, the LHC team is called on to review applications and reports for compliance with local land use, water, and environmental regulations related to extraction of phosphate.

LHC prepares “Mineral Remoteness” reports. Property owners, conservation organizations, and land acquisition programs increasing recognize the need to understand the kind, quality, and ownership of subsurface mineral resources, particularly for property to be repurposed for preservation or conservation easements or mitigation banks. LHC conducts secondary and primary research to determine the presence of minerals of interest and the likelihood that property / mineral owners may eventually want to develop a mine or other forms of mineral extraction.