Natural Resources

The use of natural resources is subject to extensive regulation in the United States, organized in a hierarchy of federal, state, and local governmental authorities. Separately, industry trade groups/associations and non-governmental organizations make voluntary schema available to companies and industries to report to investors, interest groups, communities, and the public-at-large on topics that include sustainability and social responsibility associated with extraction and/or other uses of natural resources.

Lampl Herbert Consultants offers decades of experience in the work of developing, conserving, and protecting natural resources in coastal and upland areas. From project initiation to closure, we work closely and collaboratively with clients, contractors, government, and stakeholders. We work to maintain authenticity and professional integrity in the development and implementation of successful strategies and solutions for development, conservation, and protection of natural resources.

LHC projects commonly focus on key resource categories that include: Coastal & Fisheries, Land & Water, Minerals, and Oil & Gas.